To raise awareness of the challenges faced by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Muslims, and to advocate for their inclusion in events held in the community.

Deaf Muslims of Canada (DMC) is a charitable organization with the aim of breaking the communication barriers that Deaf Muslims face when establishing and advancing their knowledge in Islam.
Our goal is to make Islamic resources fully accessible to the Deaf through a variety of services including:
Raising awareness in the community regarding the challenges faced by the Deaf.
Approaching organizers to make their events accessible to the Deaf.
Arranging for interpreters to be present at local mosques for the translation of sermons and prayers.
Arranging for interpreters to be present at festivities (e.g. Eid, Ramadan, Holy night celebrations) as well as Islamic workshops, conferences, and conventions.
Setting up Islamic classes with interpreter services - the curriculum addressing the knowledge level of a Deaf audience.
Training interpreters on Islamic terms and signs so that they are able to interpret in an Islamic setting and context.
Interpreting the Quran into ASL.